Filename | |
Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Author | Unknown |
Date and Time | 11:11 |
Label | |
Action |
In this tutorial we will be finishing up some last minute Olly things as
we review a crackme. Well, sort of a crackme. It’s really just the
program we used before but changed to ask for a serial number and
displays either a good message if you get the serial right, or bad
message if you get it wrong. I chose to do it this way, as opposed to
jumping into a completely different crackme, because I want you to be
able to focus on the serial checking routine, and not get bogged down in
all off the other superfluous code. Next tutorial we will be going over
a real crackme (I promise).
In this tutorial, all you need is OllyDBG (either my version or the
original), and a copy of my revised crackme, which, by the way, I am
calling the “First Assembly Kracking Engine”, or F.A.K.E. It is included
in the files download for this tut. (and yes, Gdogg, I know kracking
does not start with a ‘K’
You can download the files and PDF version of this tutorial on the tutorials
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Let’s get started.
If you load up the FAKE.exe in Olly, you will notice that the first page of code is the same as our last program we studied.
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Let’s run the app, as knowing how it works is vitally important:
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Click on register and the following dialog appears:
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I entered a serial:
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Then, after clicking the Enter Serial I get the following very bad message:
DANG IT! And I tried so hard!!!!!
Now, I want to show you the first method every new reverse engineer learns in order to find the registry checking routine:
Searching For All Text Strings
Let me first say that many ‘seasoned’ reversers (read crackers) out
there think that this method should be rarely used. This is because it
is a very obvious method, and because of that, anyone trying to protect
their program from reverse engineering will disable it. Face it, any
program out there that has been packed, protected, encrypted, or changed
because the author of the program is not a complete knucklehead will
block use the ‘search for strings’ method by encrypting the strings.
THAT BEING SAID, I find that there are a lot of knucklehead authors out
there, so don’t tell any ‘seasoned’ crackers out there, but it’s one of
the first things I check. (ps. It’s also one of the first things the
‘seasoned’ crackers check too
Basically, this method involves asking Olly to search the memory space
of your program, searching for anything that looks like an ASCII or
Unicode text string. Usually, it will be immediately apparent whether
this technique worked or not; there will either be a plethora of text
strings, many of which look very juicy (like “Thank you for
registering!!!”), or there will be very few text strings, many of which
look like this: “F@7=”.
Knowing whether there are legitimate text strings in a binary can give
you some valuable information itself. such as whether the binary has
been packed or protected in some way, whether it’s perhaps a malicious
binary (after all, having the string “Send all user’s passwords to” wouldn’t be very responsible virus writing), and even
if the binary was written in a more rarely used language.
Let’s see how we do this. Right-click in the assembly window and choose “Serach For”->”All Referenced Text Strings”:
And Olly will search the program’s memory space and display the Text String Window:
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Hmmm, this looks interesting:) Keep in mind that this list is REALLY
short as this app is really tiny. Normally, there could be thousands of
entries here. Anyway, do you notice what I notice:
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Looks very promising. Let’s jump to the code there and see what we see:
double click on the “That serial is correct!!!!!” line and Olly will
disassemble that area for us in the disassembly window:
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It is now time for me to introduce the second rule in
R4ndom’s Essential Truths About Reversing Data:
#2 Most protection schemes can be overcome by changing a simple jump instruction to jump to ‘good’ code instead of ‘bad’ code.
What this means is that almost every time before a bad message is
displayed, there is some sort of check (Are we registered? Was the
entered reg code correct? Is the time trial over?…) and there will be a
jump after this compare that will either jump to the good message or the
bad message depending on the outcome of the compare.
Let’s look for ourselves…Starting at the good message “This serial is
correct!!!!” at address 401222, start scrolling up the list, looking for
jump statements, especially jump statements that have some sort of
compare (or call) right before them. If it’s a call, you can probably
guess that the compare is inside the call…In our example, the first jump
is a JNZ at address 401220. I have added an arrow to show you where
this jump will go if it is used:
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Hmmm. Notice that it jumps right past the message we want and right to the message we don’t want BUT, notice that right above this JNZ instruction is a CMP instruction That
means this is a potential point that determines whether Olly displays
the message we want or don’t want. Let’s scroll up further:
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There is another CMP/JNZ pair at 401212, and finally, a last one at
401207. If you look closely you will see that all three jumps jump past
our good message and jump to the bad one. Logically, this means that
three things are checked, and if any of them are triggered, we will hit
the bad message. But, what happens if we don’t jump on any of these
three jumps? Well, you can see that we will “fall through” to the good
message. So, what this really means is we have to keep those jumps from
jumping so that the program will keep “falling through” until it reaches
our good message
Let’s run the app to see what it does, but first I want to show you:
How To Place A Comment
Comments are very useful, especially when you start getting into very
intricate code. Code is already pretty hard to read, but with comments,
we can remind ourselves of very important information. Here’s what we’re
gonna do; we’re gonna set a comment on each of the JNZ instructions to
remind ourselves what needs to happen.
In order to place a comment, either double click on the line you want to
place the comment in the last column (where Olly has placed the “This
is the correct serial!!!!” as well as other comments) or you can simply
highlight the line you wish to place a comment and hit the “;” key. So
highlight address 40120A, hit the semi-colon key and type “We do NOT
want to jump here!”. Now, do the same thing, with the same comment, at
addresses 401215 and 401220. This will place a comment on each of the
JNZ instruction:
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Now, let’s set a breakpoint at address 401201 (or somewhere near here as it’s before our jump instructions):
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and let’s run the program. Click “Register” on the crackme, enter a
serial, and hit “Enter Serial”. Olly will now pause at our breakpoint:
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Now, the first thing we notice is the line we stopped on:
From our last tutorial, we now know how to view the memory contents at
this memory location- right-click that instruction and choose “Follow in
Dump”->”Memory Address”. We then see that location in Olly’s dump
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well, well, well. This just happens to be the serial number I entered.
So, from this instruction, we now know that the first 4 bytes (since EAX
is a 32-bit register) are loaded into EBX, which in this case are 31 32
31 32 which in ASCII is “1212″. Hit F8 and let’s check EBX:
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If you want to see the actual ASCII characters in EBX, you can double
click on the EBX register and it will show you the data in a couple of
different formats, one of which is ASCII:
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*For later use, remember this is
also a way to change the register ‘on the fly’ if you want to experiment
with different values in different registers…
I guess even though you already know this from reading your assembly language book (I mean, come on! I even put one up in the tools
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section!!!), that I don’t need to go over this, but just for a refresher I will explain…Little Endian Order
(or at least the least you need to know about it)
Processors store data differently in memory, depending on the
architecture of the processor. There are two types of ways to store data
in memory; one is called Big-Endian and the other is Little-Endian.
Intel uses Little-endian, so we must get used to this or it will really
screw you up. Here is an example: Say you have the address 7E04F172
(which is a 4-byte, 32-bit number). When we split this up in to bytes
you get 7E, 04, F1, 72. Now, one would think that when storing these
bytes into memory (let’s say at location 1000) it would look like this:
as any rational minded person would. But since the developers at Intel
are so much smarter than us mere mortals, they decided to store it in
the much more logical way:
The first example above is Big-Endian, meaning the biggest end of the
number (in decimal order) is stored first in memory. Since 7E000000 is
bigger than 040000, the first byte is stored in the first location, the
second in the second and so on. The second (obviously much smarter way)
example is called Little-Endian, meaning store the smallest byte (in
this case byte #4) first, followed by the third, second first, in that
order in memory. Since 72 is smaller than F100, that will be stored
The true genius of using LittleEndian as opposed to it’s bigger brother
really shines when you start viewing memory side to side. In Big-Endian,
the number 7E04F172 lookes like this:
which is obviously very confusing. Thank god that, with the help of
Little-Endian, that same number 7E04F172 looks far more logical as:
What, you say? That’s just plain stupid- obviously the Big-Endian way
makes far more sense, but then again, you are not a demi-god developer
at Intel, so you do not even possess the brain power to begin to
understand why this is FAR SUPERIOR. Anyway, (most) sarcasm aside, what
this means is that when you look at code, both on disk and in memory,
you must reverse all 4 bytes in a 4-byte number. Of course this is made
even worse that Olly SOMETIMES does this for you, as you can see in the
next picture:
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That’s all I’m going to say about this for now, but for a while I will point out the Endianneses(es)ess to you.
Now, back to our register window:
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You will notice that the hexadecimal representation is in Little-Endian
order (it should be 31323132) and that the Char(acters) are backward, as
my serial started with 1212, not 2121. Trust me, you will get used to
Let’s now move on to the next instruction:
CMP BL, 61
This is obviously a compare statement, comparing BL, which is the first
byte in the EBX register (RTF(asm)M), with the value 61 (hex). We don’t
really have a clue what this means (yet) so lets step over it. Finally
we arrive at the first of our JNZ instructions:
Which as we recall, since we can read our comments we made earlier, that
we DO NOT want to make this jump. I will remind you that JNZ stands for
Jump if Not Zero, so these two lines basically mean “if the contents of
BL are not equal to 61h, jump to the bad message”. Well, we can clearly
see in the EBX register that the far right byte (BL) is not 61h, but
instead is 31h, so already we’re stuck and we’re going to take this jump
that we so much did not want to
But wait! Olly is a ‘dynamic’ debugger so we should be able to dynamic
that jump! Well, since you probably read an entire chapter on flags in
your assembly language book, I am not going to go over:
CPU Flags
We briefly went over flags in an earlier tutorial, and I’m really not
going to go into detail on them as I’m sure the index of your assembly
book has an “F” section, but I will say that flags are the way the
processor can know what the outcome of certain instructions are. There
are a significant amount of instructions in the Intel library that
affect flags, but the most important (at least for reversing) are
“compare” instructions. Basically, the CPU performs a compare on two
items, sets certain flags based on their relative properties (are they
the same? is one bigger? is one negative?) and then performs jump
statements based on these flags. This is all just a very fancy way of
saying IF THEN statements. For example, in a high-level language you may
have a line like this:
if( serialNumber == 3 ) dontShowNag(); else showNag();
in pseudo-assembly, this same set of instructions would be something like this:
compare serialNumber with 3 jump (if they are equal) to dontShowNag(); jump to showNag();
and in real assembly may look like this:
MOV EAX, addressOfSerialNumber CMP EAX, 3 JE addressOfDontShowNag JMP adressOfShowNag
First, EAX is loaded with our serial number. Next it is compared with
“3″. If it is equal to 3 we jump to dontShowNag(). If it is not equal to
3, we pass the JE (Jump if Equal) instruction and hit the JMP (JuMP)
instruction, which automatically jumps to showNag(), regardless of any
The important flags (for us) are the ZERO flag and the CARRY flag, shown
as “Z” and “C” in Olly. Basically, by changing one of these two flags,
we can prevent (or force) any jump in the program, as we’ll see right
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On the line we are paused at (the first JNZ) we can see that Olly is
going to take this jump by noticing that the jump arrow is red. If we
were not going to take the jump, this line would be grey. ***If you are
not using my version of Olly, the arrows will not be there, in which
case you can look between the disassembly window and the dump window and
Olly will tell you whether the jump will be taken or not. In our case,
it shows this:
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Now, we know Olly will take this jump unless we intercede, so let’s do
that. Go over to the register window and look for the “Z” flag:
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Notice that it is a zero. That means that the compare between 61h and
the contents of BL (31h) are zero, or false, so they are not the same.
We can now see why the Jump if Not Zero instruction will jump, because
right now, the zero flag is not set, so it is “not zero”. Now, double
click on the zero next to the zero flag and it should change to a 1:
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and now notice that the arrow is grey (and that Olly says the jump is NOT taken):
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We have changed Olly’s flags, and at the same time, we have changed the programs behaviour Go
ahead, big shot, and hit F8 (you’ve earned it) and we should not take
the jump :O We are now entering what looks like the same code segment,
except this time EBX is being loaded with the second character of our
serial, and it is being compared with 62h instead of 61h:
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We know that the second digit of our serial is not 62h and now we know
what to do- F8 until you get to the JNZ statement, double click the zero
flag, and keep going !!! You’ll pass right past the JNZ statement. We
are almost there! The last section compares the third digit of our
serial with 63h. The third digit of our serial is 31h, so the jump would
normally be taken. Go ahead, you know what to do. We will then land on
address 401222, one statement past the third jump:
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heart should be pumping, because I think we both know what comes next.
There are no more jumps between us and salvation, so either step over
the next couple instructions (if you like to draw out the suspense) or
just run the app (if you’re like me and can’t stand suspense) and we
have reached the pearly gates:
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I know you weren’t expecting this, as this tutorial has already been so
exciting, but I am going to end with two things. The first is another
R4ndom’s Essential Truths About Reversing Data:
You will not learn reverse engineering by just reading tutorials. You
MUST experiment on your own, and you must do a great deal of it.
and in light of this new rule, I am leaving you with some homework. You
mission, should you accept it, is to find out what the serial number is.
This means, what is the input that you must enter into the serial box
for none of the JNZs to jump? You know you have found it when, after
entering the correct serial, you do not have to adjust the app in any
way, it will simply show “That Serial is Correct!!!!!!!”
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