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Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 06:23
This week, you might have come across the news about how turkey-based hackers hijacked DNS servers of several popular websites such as The Register, The Telegraph and National Geographic Channel. They re-directed the traffic to their webpage with the slogan “4 Sept. We TurkGuvenligi declare this day as World Hackers Day – Have fun ;) h4ck y0u”. These popular website DNS servers were handled by NetNames. It’s sufficient to say they had hectic days ahead fixing the problem and allying fears about further intrusion.
We all think that our DNS servers are safe behind a firewall and that these things won’t happen to us. Only when it does happen to us, do we realize how big of a problem this, DNS hijacking, really is.
The concept is quite simple and deadly. The hackers either employs brute force DDOS attack on the servers or use SQL injection method (which was used in the latest attack) to insert a Trojan which then hijacks the original IP address in the DNS server with bogus ones. Once this is complete, visitors who land on this page are silently re-directed to hackers landing page without their knowledge. The landing page contains viruses and malwares which can instantly affect visitors system. Most of the time hackers try to re-creating a website similar to the actual website, so as to fool the users and collect user sensitive data such as usernames and passwords, while the actual website owners stay unaware for sometime before they detect it.
Hence, it is always safe to deploy steps to safe guard your DNS servers and ensure that no funny business is going on. Below are some of the key steps proscribed by various security institutions and experts on how to safe guard DNS servers which I have complied here for your reference:
  • DNSSEC – Domain Name System Security Extensions: When DNS was created, the focus was on scaling it for large systems and security wasn’t a primary consideration then. However, with frequent hacks, providing security to DNS become primary objective. DNSSEC is a security extension to DNS system which provides adds a security layer to prevent hacks, while maintaining backward compatibility to older versions of DNS. Despite the disagreements present about DNSSEC, its role is slowly gaining support and certainly strengthens your DNS servers against such attacks.
  • Strong Password Policies and User Management: Usually DNS servers are managed via web interfaces. While this is much easier for the IT team to manage DNS servers, employing stronger password policies will reinforce its security even further. In addition, provide restrictive access to DNS server management to only those who need them within your IT team. And again enforce proper password policies to those users.
  • Demand Better SLAs from DNS Service Providers: Sign up SLAs for your DNS servers with your DNS service providers. Make sure that you know whom to call in case of any problem. You should also monitor these SLAs and ensure that you are receiving better quality and support. In addition, make sure that they have better infrastructure to cope with any kind of attack. Our Site24x7 SLA management feature allows you to monitor not just your ISPs SLAs but also enables you to monitor your DNS service provider’s SLA as well.
  • Configure Master-Slave DNS within your Network: If you are configuring and maintaining your own DNS servers, employ Master-Slave DNS configuration. As Michael Cobb from SearchSecurity.com puts it in his article, ensure a Master-Slave DNS network within your network. The Master DNS should be kept behind the firewall with no access to the internet. You can employ two slave DNS servers available to the internet. Even if one of your slave DNS servers is hacked, they will be updated the next time when they receive update from your Master DNS server.
Pictorial Representation of Master-Slave DNS Network. Source: SCO.com

  • Constantly Monitor Your DNS Servers: Last but not the least. Constant monitoring of your DNS servers should be a top priority. If you fail to not monitor your DNS server’s IP address and something goes wrong, you are to be blamed. Our Site24x7 DNS monitoring service allows you to monitor your DNS server IP address every minute. You can check if your website lookup is actually retuning the correct IP address. If not, then Site24x7 automatically and instantly alerts you via SMS, Email and via Twitter about the problem. This lets you be the first responder to the trouble and take action before your user is affected. 
Any organization, which uses internet to promote its business, cannot afford not to monitor its DNS servers. Hijacking of DNS servers could severely hurt the credibility of the website in question and could end up losing millions if not billions of dollars in revenue.
If you have employed any other means of security for your DNS servers, do share it in our comments section.

Trik N Tips Mengetahui IP orang lain Unknown rwxr-xr-x 0 05:34

Filename Trik N Tips Mengetahui IP orang lain
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 05:34

Trik Mengetahui IP orang lain

Untuk Melacak IP orang lain ..
Ada 3 cara yang sering ana gunakan nih ..

1. Melacak alamat IP suatu situs

2. Melacak Real Adress server suatu situs

3. Cara Mengetahui IP address lawan chatting kita

1. Melacak alamat IP suatu situs Untuk mengetahui alamat IP suatu situs, kita dapat melakukan PING terhadap situs tersebut. Caranya: Masuk ke command Prompt dan ketikan PING WWW.SITUS-YANG-DILACAK.COM lalu tekan enter. Maka akan muncul alamat Ip situs tersebut.

2. Melacak Lokasi server (real address) suatu situs Kita dapat melacak lokasi server suatu situs hanya dengan mengetahui alamat situsnya saja. Coba anda buka www.domainwhitepages.com Tinggal masukkan IP address situs tadi atau masukkan alamat situsnya dan anda akan mendapatkan info lengkap tentang server dari situs tersebut diantaranya adalah lokasi negara dan kota.

3. Melacak IP address lawan chatting kita Saat kita menggunakan Yahoo messenger, sebenarnya kita bisa mengetahui alamat IP dari lawan chatting kita. Caranya: :: Kirimkan suatu file pada lawan chat kita. :: Lalu masuklah ke Command Prompt (MSDOS) dan ketikkan NETSTAT -N lalu tekan enter, maka alamat IP lawan chatting anda (yang telah anda kirimi file tadi) akan muncul beserta port yang digunakan untuk pengiriman file. :: Untuk mengetahui lokasi lawan chatting anda (real address) seperti ia berada di kampus atau di warnet mana, tinggal anda chek di www.domainwhitepages.com dengan mempergunakan alamat IP yang anda dapatkan.

*Ingin menggunakan YM untuk beberapa user id di komputer yang sama? Anda bisa menggunakan software dan juga bisa dengan trik di bawah ini:

1. Start > Run…> regedit

2. Buka HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > yahoo > pager > test

3. Pada sebelah kanan, klik kanan > New > DWORD value

4. Beri nama Plural tekan enter 2 kali dan berikan nilai 1

5. Pastikan YM anda telah dimatikan, jalankan YM dan login secara biasa.

6. Kalau masih tidak bisa coba lagi step ke-5, kalau masih tidak bisa RESTART Tutorial Hacker Part 2 :

Melacak ip addreas di yahoo Mesengger dan mesengger lainnya Banyak para Newbie tidak tahu cara menampilkan ip addreas teman chatnya di Yahoo Messenger, AOL dan lainnya, memang untuk melakukannya kita butuh triks, berbeda dengan IRC yang tinggal di whois aja, baik langsung saja kita memulai tutorialnya, pertama-tama kirimkankan file apa saja yang anda punya ke teman chatting anda dimana ini fungsinya sebagai timing waktu agar anda punya waktu untuk mengetikkan perintah-perintah untuk menampilkan ip addreas teman chat anda, disarankan diatas 600kb, lebih besar itu lebih bagus karena itu akan menyebabkan waktu anda lebih banyak.

1.Segera buka MS-DOS anda, lalu ketikkan netstat -n lalu akan tampil ip teman chat anda, misalkan saja muncul tampilan sebagai berikut : : 5000+++ ->> ip ini ( ternyata setelah dicek itu milik Graha Net, nah ahkirnya ketahuan tuh si pemakai messenger di warnet mana, nah kalau 5000+ itu adalah portnya yang dikirimin file ama anda. Tujuan dari tutorial ini bahwa segala macam komunikasi diinternet tanpa penggunaan proxy dan semacamnya masih dapat dilacak dengan begitu mudahnya, sehingga gue mengingatkan untuk penggunaan proxy anonymous setiap anda berselancar di internet jika anda benar-benar ingin mengurangi resiko dari berbagai jenis pelacakan.

2. Cara masuk ke DOS pada Windows XP yang serba dikunci Banyak warnet yang membatasi akses gerak kita di Windows seperti fasilitas DOS, Windows Explorer, setting dan sebagainya dalam keadaan tidak dapat kita sentuh, huh, emang nyebelin kalo kita bener-bener perlu akses ini  Gue punya jawaban  Cara masuk di DOS pada Windows XP yang serba di lock fasilitasnya :

1. Pada icon dalam dekstop atau start menu di klik kanan, lalu pilih properties

2. Di properties pilihlah "find target…"

3. Muncul Window lalu pilih search diatas

4. Pada Search pilihlah "All Files and folders"

5. Lalu cari file "cmd.exe" di windows

6. Jika di temukan maka jalankan file cmd.exe.

7. Dengan menjalankan file cmd.exe maka anda telah masuk ke dos  Jika ternyata penguncian benar-benar total maka anda dapat mengubah registry windows melalui pembuatan file *.reg dengan notepad / word pad, kemudian anda jalankan file *.reg tersebut, cara untuk membuatnya ada dihalaman ini juga. Tujuan dari tutorial ini agar kita dapat lebih banyak bergerak leluasa diwarnet-warnet yang keamanannya terlalu dilindungi sehingga membuat kita tidak bisa berbuat banyak di komputer tersebut.

3. Menembus fasilitas umum windows yang terlalu dibatasi Menjengkelkan jika fasilitas MS-DOS, RUN, Find dan sebangsanya di hilangkan dari desktop di komputer warnet, biar ga terlalu BT, kita tembus aja pakek cara ini

1. Masuk ke Notepad / Wordpad / Ms Word

2.Laluketik dibawah ini REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\""SOFTWARE\""Microsoft\""Windows\""CurrentVersion\""Policies\""System] "DisableRegistryTools"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\""SOFTWARE\""Microsoft\""Windows\""CurrentVersion\""Policies\""Explorer] "NoRun"=dword:00000000

3. Simpanlah di dengan nama file berekstensi *.reg lalu jalankan file *.reg yang anda buat tadi lalu anda restart Tujuan dari tutorial ini untuk para netter yang merasa kesal dengan komputer warnet, kantor atau sebagainya yang dimana warnet, kantor atau lainnya melakukan pembatasan hak aksesnya terlalu berlebihan terhadap komputer yang kita gunakan.

4. Cara masuk di komputer lain lewat DOS (Windows XP / 2000) Anda ingin masuk dikomputer teman anda dalam sebuah LAN ? bisa melihat seluruh isi harddisk teman anda, membuat directory, membuat file, mendelete file atau apa saja ? itu mudah, semua caranya ada disini.

1.Pertama-tama anda harus tahu 2 program penting lalu downloadlah yaitu internet Maniac (Internet Maniac.exe) … Download Interenet Maniac Berfungsi untuk mengetahui ip addreas client melalui computer name / hostname KaHT (KaHt.exe) … Download program hacker KaHT Berfungsi sebagai program untuk menerobos ke computer server atau client Ingat hanya dengan 2 program diatas maka anda bersiap-siaplah menguasai warnet / kampus / kantor dan sebagainya, lho bagaimana bisa ? hehe Pertama kali anda periksa dahulu jaringan anda dengan melihat para hostname dengan 2 cara. Ingat hanya dengan 2 program diatas maka anda bersiap-siaplah menguasai warnet / kampus / kantor dan sebagainya, lho bagaimana bisa ? hehe Setelah 2 program diatas di download maka ekstractlah dahulu program tersebut, entah pake WINZIP atau pake apa. Kalo udah di extract lalu pertama kali anda periksa dahulu jaringan anda dengan melihat para hostname dengan 2 cara. Untuk Windows XP Cara Pertama Masuk ke Start Lalu Search, lalu pilih computers or people lalu pilih A computer on the Network lalu langsung klik search maka akan segera muncul computer-komputer yang terkoneksi dalam jaringan. Untuk Windows 95/98/Me/2000 (kalau anda menemukan open port 135 di OS ini)  Cara Pertama Masuk ke Start Lalu Search Lalu For Files or Folders lalu pada menu Search for other item pilihlah computers, lalu akan muncul Search for computer, maka langsung klik Search Now maka nama-nama computer akan muncul (Alternatif cara yang cepat dapat mengklik My Network Place / Network Neighboure saja) Setelah loe dapetin sasaran computer yang mau di masukin / diremote maka loe langsung aja jalankan program Internet Maniac Masuklah ke Host Lookup lalu ketikkan nama computer / hostname lalu klik resolve, disini anda akan mendapat alamat ip computer tersebut. Dengan nomor ip ini maka anda sudah mengetahui sasaran computer yang akan di masuki. Setelah itu selesai maka kita tinggalkan program Internet Maniac, kita akan berlanjut dengan program KaHT, program ini akan didetect sebagai Trojan oleh antivirus, tapi abaikan saja, jangan di hapus / di karantina kalau terdetect, kalau perlu del aja antivirusnya, satu lagi, program KaHT bekerja dalam MS-DOS Mode jadi disini kemampuan anda menggunakan DOS sangat penting, tanpa kemampuan DOS maka anda tidak akan bisa banyak berbuat. Cara masuk DOS Mode Untuk Windows XP : Masuklah ke Start, All programs, Accessories lalu Command Prompt Untuk Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 Masuklah ke Start, Programs, Accessories lalu MS-DOS Prompt Setelah berhasil masuk DOS maka masuklah di directory program KaHT, masa seh bisa lupa tadi program diextract dimana, hehe, (Misal tadi di extract di C:\""KaH) maka ketikkan "CD\""KaHT" dan seterusnya. Jika sudah, ini saatnya? Ketikkan "KaHT sebelum_no_ip_komputer_sasaran no_ip_komputer_sasaran. kalau bingung bisa begini : "KaHT Ip1 ip2" ip1 : ip awal yang discan ip2 : ip terahkir yang discan Misalnya tadi ip-nya setelah di detect pakek Internet Maniac tadi itu lho. Maka ketikkan saja "KaHT" lalu enter aja Nah disini nanti program akan bekerja otomatis. Setelah selesai menscan jika nanti port 135 ternyata dalam keadaan open maka anda akan otomatis di computer tujuan / sasaran, untuk lebih persisnya anda akan berada di "c:\""windows\""system" milik komputer tujuan / sasaran setelah pen-scan-an selesai. Anda bisa bebas di computer sasaran, mau edit atau di delete pun bisa, hehe Nah kalo udah begini kita bisa berkreasi : Pingin biaya warnet kita lebih murah ? gampang masuk aja di billing server, ketik Time, ganti aja waktunya, tapi jangan banyak-banyak apalagi minus nanti ketahuan ama operator warnetnya, hehe. Memata-matai anak yang sedang chatting pakek MiRC di satu warnet / kampus / kantor / lainnya, cari program MiRC yang digunakan dalam computer tersebut, biasanya seh di C:\""Program Files\""MiRC, buka file MiRC.INI, lalu Log IRC di On kan saja dan kalo mau lihat isi chattingan teman kita itu cukup lewat "/logs" maksudnya kalau tadi di C:\""program Files\""MiRC program MiRCnya maka cukup masuk aja di C:\""Program Files\""MiRC\""Logs nanti disitu ada file-file log hasil chattingan dia walaupun dia sedang online tetep aja terekam, hehe, kalo mau mastiin dia makek nick apa, gampang banget bisa jalanin aja MiRCnya atau periksa di MiRC.INI, gampangkan. Apalagi nih, Bikin computer itu rusak, lebih baik jangan, tapi sebenere bisa lho, delete aja file-file systemnya, hehe. Diatas cuman kreasi dikit aja, loe bisa aja memanfaatkannya jauh lebih bermanfaat dari pada diatas Tujuan dari tutorial ini untuk anda yang sering menggunakan komputer dengan Windows 2000 dan XP dijaringan agar lebih waspada terhadap berbagai tindakan usil dari pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.. 5.Membuat akses administrator Windows untuk kita lewat komputer lain Kita ingin membuat administrator Windows XP/2000 di komputer lain melalui LAN ? sangat mudah, caranya masuklah ke komputer tujuan dengan program kaht yang sudah diajarkan diatas, lalu kita akan mencoba beberapa trik. Melihat akses guest dan administrator di Windows Ketik : net user Melihat aktif tidaknya guest di Windows Ketik : net user guest Membuat akses guest menjadi Administrator dengan perintah : Ketik : net localgroup Administrators Guest /add Membuat akses adminstrator sendiri :

1. Ketik : net user /add

2. Ketik : net localgroup Administrators /add Menghapus akses administrator Ketik : net localgroup Users /delete 1. Cara mengetahui password administrator Windows - Download Proactive Windows Security Explorer

"Guide To RadASM" Adding an Icon and Menu Unknown rwxr-xr-x 0 18:06

Filename "Guide To RadASM" Adding an Icon and Menu
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 18:06

Adding an Icon

Let’s start by adding an icon. Load up our HelloWorld project from the last tutorial. Click on Project->Resources. This will bring up the Resources window:
Click the Add button and enter in the following info for our icon. Make sure before you do this you copy the icon (supplied in the download) into the Res folder in your HelloWorld project directory. The name of the icon I included is called “clippy.ico”. If you wish to include your own, be my guest, just make sure it’s an .ico file:
Now we’re going to register the icon with our program. The first thing we need is a global variable for the handle to the icon. Open up HelloWorld.inc and add this line:
Now we need to actually load the icon to assign it to our program. We will need to add the appropriate code to the WM_INITDIALOG section:
Now, after you build the project, you will see that the .exe file that RadASM has created has our new icon:

Adding a Menu

RadASM actually makes it quite easy to add a menu, as it has a menu resource editor built-in:
Clicking “Add new”->”Menu” under the Project menu will display the menu resource editor:
This editor let’s us create single button menus, drop down menus and multi-drop down menus (menus within menus). We’ll create a simple menu bar with two options; “help” and “quit”. These will not have drop-down capability. First, enter the information for the first:
Here, we enter the caption (the part that will be displayed) and the name. As soon as you enter these the item will display in the bottom box. At this point you can delete the item by clicking “Delete”, or you can edit it by just highlighting it in the box.
You also have the options to set the attributes of the menu item (for example, greyed out) and changing the item ID. In our case, we’ll leave it at 10001. You can also set up a hot-key for the menu item by clicking the “Shortcut” spinner. Like all other Windows IDEs, you can enter an ampersand (&) before any letter to make it an accelerator (for example, E&xit makes it so you just have to press the ‘x’ key to trigger the menu item.)
Let’s add our second. Click the empty line below “Help” in the bottom box which gives us a new item to modify:
At this point, if you wanted to insert an item between the two, you would simply highlight the first and click “Insert”. This will insert an empty item between the two.
Another thing you may have noticed are the four blue arrow icons. The up and down icons allow you to change the order of the menu items. The left and right one determine if the menu item is a header or a sub item. For example, let’s add a “File” menu, and when you click this, an additional menu drops from it with the option to “Save”. In this case, we would first create the File name ( at the top by highlighting Help” and clicking the “Insert” button):
We would then create the save item going in this menu by clicking the “Help” item and clicking “Insert”, then inserting the data for save:
Now, higlighting the “save” item and clicking the right arrow key makes this item a sub-menu item of the one on top of it, in this case the :File” header:
Now when we run the app, we see a new menu header with a Save option under it:
Note: For the sake of this tutorial, I deleted the “File” and “Save” menu items.
You will also notice, after clicking OK, RadASM has created our new menu in a .mnu file:
Any time you open this file, the menu editor will appear. If you open this file in Notepad, you can see what’s in it:
Now, when we run our program, we see our menu items automatically appear, Of course, they don’t do anything yet:
We need to add the code to handle he menu’s messages. First, the two lines shown need to be added to the HelloWorld.inc file:
Then we need to add the message handlers into the HelloWorld.asm file:
Notice that, because the menu handlers had to go first, the “.if DX==BN_CLICKED” line was changed to “.elseif DX==BN_CLICKED”.
Finally, we need to add a new string so that our menu does something when you click “About”:
Now when we run our program, we can select our new menu items:

"Guide To RadASM" Creating Our First Project Unknown rwxr-xr-x 0 18:04

Filename "Guide To RadASM" Creating Our First Project
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 18:04

Creating Our First Project

Let’s create our first Windows program. Select “New Project” from the File menu. This brings up the New Project Wizard:
The assembler drop down lists all of the various languages we installed at the beginning. In my case, I only have one: Masm.
The project type allows you to designate what type of project we will be making. Setting the different types allows RadASM to pre-make some files for you, along with setting certain settings that go along with your program type. For example, if you select “Dll Project”, files will be created to help set up DLL exports and such. For our first program, let’s keep it set to Win32 App. Type in a name in the Project Name field. I entered “HelloWorld”. The other fields can be left blank. Click “Next”.
Next is the template selection screen:
Templates allow you to pre-populate files with code templates. RadASM comes with several templates for Win32 applications, or you can write your own and save them. The “DialogasMain sets up a project using a dialog as the main screen. The Win32exe sets up a project with a single window but more callback message handlers. For now, select the “DialogApp.tpl” template and click “Next” This will set up  a simple window project.
The next screen is the Files and Folders screen. this screen allows you to choose some files and folders you would like the program wizard to create for you. For example, if programming a Win32 application, we will probably want a resource file (.rc) as well as an include file (.inc). The Bak, Mod and Res options are for creating folders, so if you like to keep all resource objects in a Res folder, keep this highlighted. The Bak folder is a place to store backups of your project. Just leave everything as it is and select “Next”:
Finally, we reach the Make screen. This allows us to change the command line options, debugger, and the options we would like displayed on the “Make” menu drop-down. A lot of this is more advanced, so just leave everything as it is and click “Finish”.
You will see that RadASM has created several files for us already:
Let’s take a look at what files RadASM has created. First, double-click the HelloWorld.Asm file. This opens the code in the main window:
As you can see, RadASM has set up a skeleton app that displays a dialog, and has areas we can enter code for some basic message handlers. Next, let’s look at the HelloWorld.Inc file:
Here we have some basic includes, an ID for the dialog and a dword space set up for the instance handle. Now let’s look at HelloWorld.rc (skipping the .dlg file for a moment):
This just contains an include so we can have our .rc file in a folder (Res). Lastly, double-click the HelloWorld.dlg file. This opens the Dialog Editor:
Notice we have a toolbar along the left-hand side. This is for adding elements to our dialog. This screen is also for changing attributes and IDs of our various dialog controls.
Now let’s run our new program. You can either build the target in steps (ie. assemble, link, run) or you can do everything in one step. These options are on the “Make” menu drop-down. Clicking “Go” assembles, links and runs the program. “Run” can be selected if you are re-running the app (after it has already been built). Also remember, any time you change the resource file you must rebuild it by selecting “Compile Resource”, though clicking “Go” will do this automatically.
Go ahead and select “Go” or click the appropriate toolbar button. If a dialog pops up asking if you want to accept the command, select the check mark “Don’t ask again” and click OK. Now our app’s dialog should appear:
Not a lot to it, though this is only a template. Let’s spice it up a little…

Creating Some Controls

Let’s spiff up our dialog a little by adding some buttons and bitmaps. First we’ll add the buttons. Double-click on the HelloWorld.dlg file to open the dialog editor. Next click on the button tool in the dialog editor toolbar (it says “OK” on it). If for some reason the toolbar is not displayed, click on the little hammer and wrench icon on the main toolbar to display it. Then, click and drag a button in the bottom left-hand corner of the dialog:
RadASM will automatically name this button IDC_BTN. Now we want to change the attributes of this button, so while the button is highlighted, you will see the attributes in the bottom right of the RadASM window:
I have changed the caption (the text in the button) and have changed the button to display multiple lines. You will see the new caption show up in the button:
Now add another button on the right-hand side in the same way, setting it’s attributes to the following:
and the buttons will update in the dialog editor:
Now if you build and run the app, you will see our new dialog. Of course the buttons won’t do anything yet:
Next let’s add some pictures. Like any Windows application, we must load in the bitmaps as resources. Clicking the Resources option in the Project drop-down menu, we will be presented with the resource import screen. To add a new resource, simply click the Add button and fill in the information. When you get to the “file” column, click the three dots and drill to the resource folder and select the appropriate bitmap.
*** You should copy the bitmaps into the Res folder of your project. The bitmaps are available in the download of this tutorial. ***
Notice I named the bitmaps IDB_BITMAP1 and IDB_BITMAP2. We will refer to these IDs later. Now, select the Image tool (the icon with the red “RA” in it in the dialog editor toolbar), then click and drag an image like I have done here:
Now we need to change the attributes of this image, pointing it at our resources we loaded earlier. For the ID number, I entered 105. We will refer to this ID in the HelloWorld.Asm file. I changed the name to match the name we gave our first resource in the resource import screen, IDB_BITMAP1. I added a border, changed the width and height to match the dimensions of the actual bitmap, and changed the type from “Icon” to “Bitmap”:
The image should appear in the dialog editor. Now go ahead and add another exactly as we did the first but this time on the above the Angelina Jolie button, naming this one IDB_BITMAP2 and changing the other attributes to match these:
You should see both images, along with our buttons in the dialog editor now:
Building and running the app shows us the fruits of our labors:
Now we must add the code to handle the events of clicking on the buttons. First, we will add the message handler for the two buttons. Load the HelloWorld.Asm file into the main window. We will make it so clicking on a button will display a message box. I will define the text strings for the message box in the next step:
Notice that eax is compared with the ID we gave the buttons, IDC_BTN1 and IDC_BTN2.
Now we can add the text strings to the top of HelloWorld.Asm:
Finally, we have to add the IDs we created for the buttons in the HelloWorld.Inc file:
Running the app now displays our wonderfully compelling and useful app:

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