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R4ndom’s Tutorial #11: Breaking In Our Noob Skills Unknown rwxr-xr-x 0 08:55

Filename R4ndom’s Tutorial #11: Breaking In Our Noob Skills
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 08:55


In this tutorial we will be discussing patching programs again, but diving a little deeper than a typical single “first patch we come to”. We will start with a console program and find the correct password that has been hidden in it. It is included in the tutorial download. Other than this, all you will need is OllyDBG.
You can download the files and PDF version of this tutorial on the tutorials
page. So let’s get started…

Console programs are 32bit windows just like any other 32-bit program running under windows. The only difference is they don’t use a graphical interface. Other than that, they are identical. This crackme is called CrackmeConsole.exe. Let’s run it and see what we got:
Well, looks easy enough. Let’s try a password:
Bummer. Pressing ‘N’ ends the app:
Well, I think we have enough to at least start investigating. Go ahead and load it in Olly. Let’s then start by searching for strings:
That wasn’t so hard. Let’s dbl-click on the bad boy message, “I’m sorry, but that is wrong” to at least get into the right area:

Ok, let’s study this a little. We see a jump leads to this message from 4025C6, denoted by the red arrow. We also notice that we could get to it by not jumping at the JE instruction at address 4025D5. Let’s see what happens if we do take this jump. Click on it:

And scroll to where it points (a couple pages down):

That looks like the way we want to go :) . Let’s go back up and look around a little more:

So address 4025D5 jumps to the good boy message, so that’s the jump we’d like to take. Let’s try clicking on the other jumps to see where they lead us…maybe there’s an earlier jump that takes us to the good boy message:

This one goes to the bad boy:

as does this one, and if you keep clicking on the jump instructions, you’ll notice the jump at address 4025D5 is the only one that jumps to the good boy. So basically, we want to keep all jumps that jump to the bad boy from jumping, and force the jump to the goodboy into jumping. If we keep scrolling up, we reach our first call/compare instructions at address 402582:

Scrolling further, we can see that there is a jump that skips the call but still performs the compare:

That’s not exactly normal behavior, but when we scroll up a little more we see another call compare group. I have placed a BP on both of these calls:

OK, let’s go ahead and run the app in Olly and see what happens. I’l enter the password ’12121212′:

and Olly breaks at the first call:

Start single stepping and you will notice that the jump at 40256F jumps the second call. Hmmm, this gives us an indication that this second jump may not be the password checker after all, but maybe some sort of routine if our password does not meet certain specs, like too short or too long? Whatever, let’s keep single stepping:

Here, at address 4025C6, we see our main culprit that jumps to our bad boy message:

Let’s set the zero flag and see what happens:

and as we continue to single step, we hit our jump to the good boy and notice that it is taken:

Go ahead and run the app and we notice that we have found our first potential patch:

Now, patching the jump where we set the zero flag may work, or may not work. It’s hard to tell. What if our password is too short? Too long? A different password than the one entered. This patch is not a very good patch as we don’t really know what we’ve done, we just know it happened to work in this case.

Digging Deeper

Let’s look at this code a little closer, using the levels we learned in the last tutorial, and try something not so LAME. Scroll back up to the jump to the bad boy that we patched and let’s try to figure out why we would have jumped had we not patched it. Notice that I have also placed a comment on the jump so I can remember it later (if you recall, highlight the line and hit ‘;’ to add a comment).

I usually preclude all of my comments with a ‘###’, this way, later, when using other tools that fill in the comments column for us, it’s easier to find my own comments- they stand out more. You can do whatever you like though.
Now, let’s look just above this jump and see if we can figure out what caused it. Here I have marked the first section above the jump:

Here we can see some SBB instructions with a compare. This code doesn’t really mean a lot here to us as we have no idea what any of it pertains to, so let’s go up to the next section and see if we can start making some sense of it:

Alright, here we’re getting somewhere. The first thing you may notice is the REPE CMPS instruction. This is a red flag in reverse engineering! Let’s look up REPE and see what it says:

It’s not horribly clear, but if you have any experience with assembly you know that the REPXX statement repeats like a loop until ECX = 0. The instruction after the REPXX, in this case CMPS, is what is repeated. Taken together, this statement means “Repeat comparing two memory addresses, incrementing this address each time through the loop, while the zero flag remains equal.” In basic terms, it means “compare these two strings.” In reverse engineering, anytime we compare two strings, red flags should go off. It is not done very often in an app, and checking a serial number/password/registration key is one of the few times it is. Let’s place a BP on the first line of this section at address 4025B5 and re-start the app. Enter our password and Olly will break at this breakpoint:

Now notice that the first instruction, LEA ESI, DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+34], is Loading an Effective Address into ESI from the stack. The SS: denotes the stack, the [ESP+34] denotes the position on the stack, in this case the 34th byte past whatever the ESP register is pointing to, and the LEA instruction means basically load the address of something, as opposed to the contents of the something. If we look at the middle bar (where the blue arrow is pointing) we can see that SS:[ESP+34] equals address 0012FE88, and at this address is stored our ASCII password. Single stepping once over this line shows ESI being set equal to our password (that is currently on the stack):

The next instruction sets EAX to zero, and then we hit the REPE instruction. In this case, the contents of memory at the address stored in ESI is compared with the contents of the memory address stored in EDI:

The ECX register is then lowered by one, the compare goes to the next memory location in both EDI and ESI, and the loop will end when ECX = 0. In this case, if you look above you can see that ECX is set to 8 (which happens to be the length of our password) so this loop will go through all 8 digits of our password, each time comparing a digit with a digit from the corresponding location after EDI. But wait…what are we comparing to? If we look at the registers window again we see that EDI points to an address on the stack that has some ASCII 7s in it. Let’s see this on the stack. Click on the adddress next to EDI, right click on it and choose “Follow in stack”:

The stack window then jumps to the referenced address, in this case 0012FE6C. At this address (and we can’t help noticing at the next as well) we see a string of “37″s. Looking at our ASCII chart we can see that 37 is equal to “7″ which we saw in the registers window is in the EDI register:

Well, it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see that our inputted password is being compared with a hardcoded ASCII string of all “7″s. There are exactly 8 of them on the stack (we got lucky that we happened to enter a password that was the same length as the hard-coded password :) ). These eight “7″s are compared, one by one, with what we entered as a password. If we get through all 8 of them being equal (equal to 7 that is) then we will take the next jump. Hmmmmmm. Our entered password is compared with eights “7″s. This sounds to me like the password could be eights “7″s. Let’s restart the app and try it:

drumroll please….

And we got it :D . So, looking a little farther than we would normally patch has revealed the password, which is frankly far better than patching an app not knowing if it will actually truly patch it or not. This is the benefit of patching at a NOOB level as opposed to a LAME level.

One Last Thing

I just wanted to show you an example of going through code and making comments. Unfortunately, when writing tutorials, you have to understand the app at a pretty deep level. Here is a picture of the core section we were discussing with my comments in it:

As you can see, a lot goes into understanding the way an app works :)

Tutorial #8: Frame Of Reference Unknown rwxr-xr-x 0 08:50

Filename Tutorial #8: Frame Of Reference
Permission rw-r--r--
Author Unknown
Date and Time 08:50


Now we’re gonna look at a crackme that’s just a little more challenging. It is called Crackme3.exe. We will also learn some new tricks.
You can download the files and PDF version of this tutorial on the tutorials

Investigating the binary

Go ahead and start up Olly and load in the crackme. It should load, analyze and pause on the first line:
So let’s run this and see what we have:

Running the App
Well, not much to it. choose “Help”->”Register”:
Asking for a serial
Now we’re getting somewhere. Oddly, it’s very similar to our FAKE program :) Try entering a username and serial to see how the app responds:
Entering a serial
Hmmm. In this one you get a dialog giving you the bad news.
No luck
Sometimes, on a pretty small program I like to scroll down a couple pages just to see if there’s anything interesting. I started scrolling down and about 6 pages down I came to some pretty interesting stuff:
Function Calls
Look at the text right before the MessageBoxA function is being called. If you look just to the left of the text above the MessageBoxA call, you can see a black line that delineates the function parameters followed by the call:
Close up of function
What Olly is showing you here is the arguments that are being prepared to be passed to the function, along with the function being called. In this case, the arguments are 1) the style of the window, 2) the title of the window (“Good work!”), 3) the text of the window (“Great work…”), and 4) the handle to the owner of this window. Finally, MessageBoxA is being called. You can right click on the MessageBoxA word and select “Help on symbolic names” to find the arguments passed and returned to this function.
Now take a look at this section compared to the section right below it:
Good message
There is quite a difference between these two function calls; one looks really good, and the other not so much. I think we can all agree that we would rather have the first one called. Let us now remember
R4ndom’s Essential Truths About Reversing Data #2:
2. Most protection schemes can be overcome by changing a simple jump instruction to jump to ‘good’ code instead of ‘bad’ code (or preventing a jump from jumping over ‘good’ code).

If you look a few lines above these two functions you will see some jmp statements that will choose which road you go down, the good one or the bad one. This is the case 99% of the time in 99% of apps out there. The trick is finding this jump. (Of course there’s that other 1% where something much harder has been implemented, but we’ll get to that.) In our case, there are some jumps at 401344 and 40134B. Now, to a trained reverse engineer, these jumps would quickly be passed over (and if you want to know why, it is because they are not in the same function as our message boxes, so they will not jump over our bad message or jump to our good message, but we will cover this later) In the mean time, let’s investigate them:
Jump statement
First of all, click on the JMP at 40134B.You will see a red line appear showing where this JMP will jump to, and you can see that it goes the wrong way!!
Jump goes wrong way
It does not jump to our good message, nor past our bad message, but up, earlier in the code. Let’s try the other one at 401344. That one actually points at the same as the other one (still the wrong way) so it seems our first guess was wrong.
By the way, as I said earlier, the reason a seasoned reverser would have passed right over these is in the way Olly displays functions. If you look between the first column (the address) and the second column (the opcodes) you will see some thick black lines. These lines were put in by Olly to differentiate separate functions (though sometimes Olly cannot figure out where functions start and stop, so you won’t have these lines):
Different Functions
In this case, you can see that both JMP lines are in the function above our good and bad messages. Since they don’t jump into a good or bad message, they are not really any help to us. This also tells you another thing; The first message box (the good one) is not in the same function as the bad message box. This tells us that these functions are called from somewhere, and that somewhere before they are called, there is a decision being made as to which function to call, the good one or the bad one. Let’s see how we can overcome this obstacle…

Finding References

Right click on the first line of the good message function at address 40134D and select “Find References To”->”Selected Command” (or press ctrl-R):
Find Reference To...
This will bring up the “References” window:
References Window
What this shows is all of the references (CALLs and JMPs) in the code that Olly can find that CALL or JMP to *this* address. Now, double click on the first one in the list (the one that is not red) and you will be taken to the line that calls this (good) message:
Call to GoodBoy
On line 40124C you can see a CALL CRACKME.0040134D. 40134D just happens to be the first line of the good message dialog. Let’s set a breakpoint here:
Set breakpoint
Now, lets do the same thing on the other function, the bad one. Go to line 401362, the first line of the bad message function, right-click, choose “Find References To”->”Selection (or ctrl-R). This will bring up the References window again. Now double click on the first item and we will be taken to the address that called the bad message:
Call to good message
Interesting- it is 2 lines above our previous breakpoint! Let’s set a breakpoint here as well:
Set another BP
***Keep in mind that sometimes you will select a line and look for references, but there won’t be any. There are 2 things that can cause this; 1) you have selected the wrong “Entry Point” into this function, meaning that calls or jumps elsewhere in the application call this function, but they call a different line, perhaps the line right before or after the one you have selected. Choosing the right line to look for references on can take some time and skill, but keep at it. The second reason Olly may not find any references is because there are no OBVIOUS places in the code that point to this line. Remember, there is a lot of numbers being manipulated dynamically when a program is run, and the address that a call or lump points to is no exception. So, if the call to this address is created dynamically, there is no way Olly will know ahead of time that it will call this line, so it will not list a reference to it. There are ways around this as well, but we will not get into them for a while.
Now, if we look around these two calls, you will see a couple jmp instructions. The first, a JE at address 401243 is JE SHORT CRACKME.0040124C. Of course, you know what JE is because you have been reading your assembly language book (see R.E.T.A.R.D. Rule #1), but just for the sake of argument, let’s pretend you didn’t remember exactly what this particular mnemonic (instruction) meant. Here’s where the MnemonicHelp plugin comes in. Right-click on the JE instruction and select the “? JE” option in the context menu:
Mneumonic Help
This window will be long as there are a significant amount of jmp instructions, but if we look down to “JE” we see it’s “Jump if Equal (ZF = 1). This means jump if the Zero Flag is set to 1 (or the two items being compared are equal). We went over flags in an earlier tutorial, so you should know that in this case, if two objects that are compared are equal, JE will jump. We can also see that this JE jumps past the call to the bad message, and the first instruction after the jump is a call to the good message. If this JE does not jmp, we will call the bad message instead. So, we WANT to make this jump so that we can call the good message instead. Let’s see this in action. Set another breakpoint on the JE instruction and re-start (or run) the app. Click on “Help”->”Register” in the crackme program, enter a username and a serial, and click OK.
Woah! Wait a second! We got the bad boy message and Olly never broke? That means Olly never reached our breakpoint! What is going on here.
This is actually where being new at reverse engineering will come in handy :) I guarantee you every expert reverse engineer/cracker at this point is thinking “What did I miss? A int 0xcc interrupt? IsDebuggerPresent? NTFlags? TLS Callback?” and will go on a wild goose chase looking for some overly complicated solution. But since we are just beginners, we only have a couple tools at our disposal, one of which is searching for string, so let’s try that:
Search for String
Now, you may see something rather interesting here…there are two “No luck!” bad boy messages and only one good boy message. So that means that, somewhere else in the code is a check and if it does not pass the bad boy will be displayed. This is a very popular technique in anti-reverse engineering: make an obvious place for a good/bad message, but then add another check that’s not so obvious. If you look at the code window where our good bay and bad boy are, you will notice that the string “No luck!” is loaded at address 40136B, so we know that’s not the string we’re looking for. So let’s double-click on the other one at address 4013AF:
Different bad boy check
This bad boy message is in a completely different section of the programs memory! And we thought this crackme was going to be so easy. Well, let’s take a deep breath and remember RETARD rule #2- look for the compare/jump. Well, in this case there is a JMP at address 4013aa, and when you click on it, Olly shows an arrow that goes right past the bad boy message. This looks promising…Let’s try it. Put a BP on that jmp instruction, re-start the app and run it.
***You may get the error message we got in the last tutorial about the breakpoints being corrupted. If this happens do the same thing as last time- open the BP window and re-enable all of the breakpoints before you run the app:)
CRAP!!!! Well, that didn’t work, so I guess we’re gonna have to dig deeper. Let’s take a look at this code and try and understand what exactly is going on here (this is where you’re assembly reading is going to shine :D ):
a look at the routine
Well, one thing we know, because we learned it earlier in this tutorial, is where this function begins and ends. In the picture you can see it by the blue arrows. So, starting from the beginning of this function, there is a loop that first checks if AL is zero ( TEXT AL, AL) , then cycles through, comparing AL with a couple of different number (41, 5a), and in the middle of all of this, is making some jumps depending on what AL is. First of all, let’s see which jump will actually call our bad boy message (since there is a JMP instruction right before the bad boy, nothing can “fall through” to it, so something must jump past that jump and run the bad boy. The most likely place this jump would be to would be address 4013AC).
Click on the first instruction of the bad boy messageBoxA routine at address 4013AC, right click the line and choose “Find References To” -> “Selected Address”. ( I know that once you clicked on this line there was a red arrow that showed up, showing which instruction called it, but ho do we know there are not other instructions in our crackme that call this bad boy message. Finding all references helps us determine that there is probably only one. We then see the references window again:
Find references
Now, double-click on the first one and let’s see which line is calling this bad boy:
Jump to bad boy
Ahh, so it is one inside the loop. Also notice that besides the line in red in the references window (which we can ignore for now), there was only one reference to this address, so we can be assured that this line at address 40138B is the only code calling this particular bad boy. So we now know that the JB SHORT 4013AC at address 40138B is the culprit. Let’s try putting a BP on it and changing it on the fly to see if we can bypass this bad boy. Place a breakpoint on address 40138B and re-run the app:
No jump
hmmm. Well since the arrow is grey, we know we’re not jumping to the bad boy in this iteration of the loop. So let’s hit F9 again to cycle through the loop again:
Jump is taken
Aha. So the second time thru the loop it is going to call the bad boy. Well, let’s keep it from doing it and see if we’re on the right track. You may notice that if you change the zero flag, the jump is still taken. This is because the JB command is part of a slightly different jump collection that uses the carry flag instead of the zero flag (don’t worry, this is all in your assembly book :) So double-click the carry flag (“C”)
and the arrow should change to grey:
Now let’s run the loop again to see if the bad boy is called in the loop. I pressed F9 5 times and none of the times was the bad boy called. In fact, after the fifth F9, I broke on our old BP where we first thought the patch was going to be:
Past the bad boy
So this means that we have effectively passed the first check for the bad boy and are now in our original check.Let’s patch this first check so we don’t have to worry about it anymore and can focus on the main check. So return to our BP at address 40138B and let’s think about how we can patch this to not jump to the bad boy. Remember, the jump is called on the second time through the loop, and only if AL is BELOW 41 (the instructions are CMP AL, 31, JB SHORT 4013AC. So what if we just NOP out this jump? Then it will never jump and we don’t have to worry about jumping to the bad boy at all :)
NOP it out
NOP takes effect
Let’s right-click and select “Copy to executable” -> “All modifications”. This will open the new memory window. Now right-click in this window and choose “Save File” and save it as crackme_patch1.exe.

Now, before we re-load this new patched version, we need to realize that all of our patches, comments and (especially) breakpooints will be removed because all of that info is stored in the UDD file Crackme3.udd. We are now opening Crackme3_Patch1 which does not have a UDD file associated with it. But there is some good news. Included with this download was the breakpoint manager plugin. If you haven’t already, copy it into your plugin folder and then re-start Olly. If you had already installed it at the beginning, you already have it loaded. ow open up the breakpoint window, righ-click and choose “Breakpoint manager”->”Export Breakpoints”:

Export breakpoints
ave the file as we will import it into the new file. Now, reload the new (patched) file into olly. It will probably pop up with a message about breakpoints being corrupted:

Just click OK. No open the breakpoints window in our new patched program and probably all (or most) of the breakpoints will be gone. Now, right-click and choose “Breakpoint Manager” -> “Import breakpoints”:

Now you will see our original breakpoints back again:

Now run the app and Olly breaks on our first BP at address 401243, the JE instruction (If yu had not set a BP on this line, do o now, re-start the app and run it, you will then break here:
Break on first BP
Now, as you remember, if you look at the grey arrow that goes from the current paused line down to address 40124C, because it is grey, it is not going to be taken. You can also look between the disassembly window and the dump window and it will tell you the jump is NOT taken:
Jump not taken
This means, without doing anything, the program will naturally NOT jump to the second call, and will fall through to the first call. The first call jumps to our bad boy message, so we really don’t want this to happen. Press F8 one time to step. As Olly told us, we did not jump and we are now at the call to the bad message. Press F7 to step in to the call and we will land at the first instruction of the bad message function: Now, if we press F9 to run Olly, we will see exactly what we expect:
No luck again
Let’s see if we can fix this :) Restart the app, hit F9 to run it, select “Help”->”Register” and enter a name and serial. Now, when you click OK Olly stops again at our first breakpoint:
First BP
This time, let’s help Olly go in the right direction. Look over in the registers window and notice the Z flag is red and …well…you know what to do:
Set Flag to Zero
Notice, our arrow that was grey, showing that the jump was not going to be taken, has now turned red, and the area between the diassembly and dump window has changed to “Jump will be taken”. What we have done is told Olly to change the flag it uses to determine if two things were the same, so that it thinks that they were. So now, we will jump over the call to the bad message and call the good one!!!
Let’s try it. Press F8 to make the jump and then F7 to step into the call. We will now jump to the beginning of the good message:
Beginning of good message
Now, press F8 a couple times, watching the stack window between each click. You will see the arguments to the MessageBoxA call being pushed onto the stack, in this case good messages indeed. As soon as you step over the actual function call at 40135C, the new dialog message will show up. We have cracked our first program!!!
Good work
Now the problem is that since we changed the flag on the fly, when the app is run again it will not change that flag again, so we will get the bad message. What we need to do is somehow save that change so that every time the program is run, we can force it to make that jump. This is where patching comes in. Do the same thing as we did earlier: Highlight all of the lines that have changes in them, right-click and choose “Copy to executable”. Right click in the new window that pops up and click “Save file”. Choose a name and this will now be your patched version.
Saving the patch
You can now close that dump window and close Olly. Now go to the directory you saved the patched file in and run it. Enter your info and voila:
Patched program
Good job. You have cracked a real crackme with some challenges in it.

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